Bricsys 24/7 Common Data Environment vs Cooperlink

Bricsys 24/7 is a cloud-based CAD collaboration platform designed for construction professionals. It centralizes all project documents and data in a secure, accessible environment for all participants,in order to improve the efficiency and productivity of their projects.

Do you face multiplicity of tools?

The problem with cloud-based platforms like Bricsys 24/7 is the proliferation and variety of these tools, as well as the fact that they are not connected to the company's core tools (e.g. Sharepoint, ERP, etc.). The data is therefore beyond the company's control, and very often this induces a lot of manual work (download, upload, copy, encode, ...). Very often, important data remains in these tools and is, ipso facto, forgotten.

Cooperlink offers a completely different vision. As a central hub for exchange between companies, in addition to managing business processes, Cooperlink securely dispatches information in the corporate tools where it needs to be.

This means that the users have their drawings and technical documents up-to-date on both Cooperlink and Sharepoint for instance, as well as e-mails are centralized in the project.


Your cost when workers haven't got the right drawing version, or in case of a dispute because information is not found in the Sharepoint.

20.000 EUR1

Average cost wasted on managing technical documents on cloud platforms.
(1) Measured by our customers

15% mistakes2

Volume of encoding errors and mistakes due to wrong information.

(2) Effective measumement on site

Does the client imposes platform?

What is very common in construction projects is that one of the parties imposes the tool of its choice for operational reasons (training, efficiency, etc.) but also to have control over the data (e.g. the project owner who will operate the building).

In that sense, cloud platforms like Bricsys 24/7 are commonly considered as yet another tool.

With its connectors, Cooperlink allows for smooth integration with partner tools. This way, everyone can benefit from the advantages of using their own tools, without making concessions on security, data control and operational efficiency.

Do you still perform manual tasks on technical documents and as-built file?

Project managers and foremen have many tasks to do besides encoding documents in a management platform. With Bricsys 24/7, the user is required to encode metadata on the document, re-encode this information in a coverpage composed on Word, merge in PDF, and re-encode this information in a follow-up report in Excel. Finally, he must compile his as-built file by hand. It goes without saying that all of these operations are subject to mistakes.

Thanks to Cooperlink, data is collected automatically, signatures are centralized, coversheets are generated automatically, reports are available on demand and the as-built file is created in 1 click.

This represents 20 minutes saved per technical document, and 15% less encoding errors!3

(3) Values effectively measured on projects migrated to Coopelink from Bricsys 24/7 and other cloud platforms.

Compare features of Bricsys 24/7 with Cooperlink

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Compare features of Bricsys 24/7 with Cooperlink

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Top performer
Available feature (minor differences may occur)
Not available or bad performer
CONNECT 3rd-party software & partners
Automate data workflows
BOOST Docs your corporate DMS (Document Management System)
BOOST Emails your corporate E-mail + Outlook plugin
Secured VPN between AECO (Architecture Engineering Contractors Owners)
Open API
Apps for design, administration and coordination
Management of projects
Per project
Activities and notifications
Workspace for documents sharing and control (ISO19650 SHARE)
Attributes, custom metadata and naming
Viewers and editors
Coordination & tasks management
Transmittals (ISO19650 PUBLISH)
Digital signature
From 2024
3D BIM coordination, issues & change management
From 2024
2D coordination, issues & change management
Apps for preparation of works, execution and handover
Visitors portal for deliveries, price requests, ...
Via sharing links
Financial management
Submittal workflows for technical documents (ISO19650 PUBLISH)
Title block, cover and comment sheets
Reporting, Transmission & Master Documents Registers (MDR)
Assets management & ready-for-operations BIM
From 2024
Inspections and quality control
From 2024
Deliverables (eg. tender documents, permit, as-built)
After sales services
Apps for correspondence
Internal correspondence
External correspondence and e-mails repository
No-code configuration
Users and partners
Metadata cards
Projects and Workspace
Support and security
5-stars support
Dedicated support
Data control, durability and compliance
Compliance and frameworks support
Advanced security
(2) These features are currently in beta release. They will be available from 2024.

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